The redicloud test framework offers the possibility to test/debug plugins within the IDE, which use the redicloud API, for example. An entire cluster with several nodes can be set up using a simple test script without having to worry about a database connection or a clean cloud installation.
Configuration & file templates can also be easily configured. Build outputs from gradle modules (e.g. your compiled plugin) can also be quickly loaded onto a server or into a file template and tested without any problems.
// src/test/kotlin/TestSpigotCore.kt
import dev.redicloud.testing.RediCloud
import dev.redicloud.testing.pre.PreJavaVersion
import dev.redicloud.testing.utils.FileSelectStrategy
import dev.redicloud.testing.pre.PreServerVersion
fun main() {
RediCloud.startCluster {
name = "core-test"
// Create a new node that will be automatically started and connected to the cloud
node {
name = "node-1"
maxMemory = 3072
// Create a new file template where you can upload e.g. your plugin
val spigotCoreTemplate = fileTemplate {
prefix = "core"
name = "spigot"
// You can use 'gradleBuildFile' when you have a gradle project and want to upload the output jar file
// Otherwise you can use 'file' to upload a file from your local machine
gradleBuildFile {
projectName = "spigot/core" // spigot/core is the path of the gradle-module
targetDirectory = "plugins"
shadowJar = false
selectStrategy = FileSelectStrategy.LATEST_MODIFIED
// Create a new configuration template for a proxy server
configurationTemplate {
name = "Proxy"
// You can configure all settings that are normally available in the cloud console for a configuration template
// ...
maxMemory = 512
startPort = 25565
serverVersion = PreServerVersion.BUNGEECORD_LATEST // Use PreServerVersion enum to get pre defined server versions
minStartedServices = 1
// Expose the ports for the template so that they can be accessed from the outside the container
// You can also use 'exposePort' to expose a single port
exposePortRange(25565, 1) // Expose the port 25565 (with range=3 it would expose 25565, 25566, 25567)
configurationTemplate {
name = "Lobby"
maxMemory = 1024
serverVersion = PreServerVersion.PAPER_1_20_4
maxPlayers = 100
minStartedServicesPerNode = 1
fallback = true // To connect to the fallback server
fileTemplates = mutableListOf(spigotCoreTemplate) // Use the file template that was created before
jvmArguments = mutableListOf(
"-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:5005" // Enable debugging e.g. for your plugin
exposePort(containerPort = 5005, hostPort = 5000) // Expose the debug port 5005 to your local machine on port 5000
// Set the java version for the server versions
// Use PreJavaVersion enum to get all available java versions
configureServerVersion {
name = PreServerVersion.PAPER_1_20_4
javaVersion = PreJavaVersion.JAVA_21
configureServerVersion {
name = PreServerVersion.BUNGEECORD_LATEST
javaVersion = PreJavaVersion.JAVA_21
// You can define shortcuts that can be executed from the console
shortcut("upload example-plugin") {
// Upload the example plugin to the spigot core template and restart the lobby
RediCloud.uploadGradleBuildFileToNodes {
projectName = "examples/example-plugin"
targetDirectory = "${spigotCoreTemplate.path}/plugins"
selectStrategy = FileSelectStrategy.LATEST_MODIFIED
it.execute("server stop Lobby-*") // You can also execute commands on the cloud
// Will block the main thread until the user stops the process with 'exit'